december 20, 2004
the show at la caffepia went well. keep checking back for upcoming shows.
november 29, 2004
la caffepia show has been moved to the following thursday, december 9, 2004. see events page

november 6, 2004
next performance will be at la caffepia in Fullerton, ca. i hope to see you all there. see events page for more details

september 8, 2004
well with the help of some friends the website is slowly coming together. i have uploaded some *.mp3's for your listening pleasure. i have some solo recordings and some recordings when the classical guitar project was active. i have also uploaded two articles i wrote while i was in school. i plan on writing more original articles which will obviously take some time and research.


september 7, 2004
welcome to my website! as you can see the website is still under construction. the only functional links are "photos", where I threw up a few pictures for your amusement, and "links". more content will be added to the website soon enough, stay tuned